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current position:Home > News > Wangfei, General Manager of our company, participated in Luoding study-assistance activity...
Wangfei, General Manager of our company, participated in Luoding study...
article source:  Executive editor:  View:2984  Publish time:2013-06-04

Guangdong Lions Clubs Lvzhou Service Team developed “Luoding study-assistance” visit and grant-in-aid issuance ceremony from April 20 to 21, 2013, which was led by Gong Ping, current team leader, including more than 30 members, loving people, and children, to send our concerns to poor children in Luoding city.


The study-assistance ceremony was held in Tangwu Primary School in Luoping Town in the afternoon of April 20. We issued student subsidies to 30 exceptionally poor students, who were visited by us in November, 2012. We invited club members and their children to play games with such students, giving them gifts. In addition, children took an active part in such games, with cute smiles.


Lvzhou Team also donated sports goods and teaching aids with the value of RMB 10,000 Yuan to Tangwu Primary School, developing forums with teachers, knowing about teachers’ teaching conditions, and discussing teaching methods.

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